Presidencia de la Nacion = Office of the Presidency.
Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos = Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.
Diputados Argentina = Chamber of the Deputies.
Senado Argentina = Senate.
Corte Suprema de Justicia = Supreme Court of Justice
Leticia Barrera, Gatekeeping: Documents, Legal Knowledge, and Judicial Authority in Contemporary Argentina, 41(1) PoLAR 90 (2018). "This article addresses the question of judicial authority by examining the mundane practices of legal knowledge-making that unfold within the Argentine Supreme Court of Justice." Available in AnthroSource.
Poder Judicial de la Nacion = Judicial Power of the Nation website (federal and provincial courts)
Federico S. Efron, Argentina's Solution to the Michael Brown Travesty: A Role for the Complainant Victim in Criminal Proceedings, 24 Sw. J. Int'l L. 73 (2018). Available in HeinOnline.
Pablo Ciocchini, Campaigning to Eradicate Court Delay: Power Shifts and New Governance in Criminal Justice in Argentina [Province of Buenos Aires], 61 Crime, Law & Social Change 61 (2014). Available in Criminal Justice Abstracts.
Edmundo Hendler, Lay Participation in Argentina: Old History, Recent Experience, 15 Sw. J.L. & Trade Am. 1 (2008). Available in HeinOnline.
Alejandro M. Garro, Staffing the Judiciary and Prosecutorial Offices in Argentina: Trials and Tribulations in Search of Merit, Integrity, and Accountability, 7 Sw. J.L. & Trade Am. 349 (2000). Available in HeinOnline.
Gregory W. O'Reilly, Opening Up Argentina's Courts, 80 Judicature 247 (1997). "The South American nation's transition to democracy includes adoption of reforms that make its criminal justice system more open and adversarial." Available in HeinOnline.
Asociación Argentina de Juicio por Jurados (A.A.J.J.) = Argentina Association of Trial by Jury.
ADePRA: Pública de la Defensa de la Republica Argentina = Argentina Public Defender.
Instituto de Estudios Comparados en Ciencias Penales y Sociales = Institute of Comparative Studies in Criminal and Social Sciences.