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Foreign & International Legal Research

This guide includes information on researching specific countries' laws (Morocco, Spain) as well as researching international laws, including international human rights.

Research Guides

GlobaLex: Netty Butera & Kevashinee Pillay, UPDATE: Introduction to the Moroccan Legal System (May/June 2018) (research guide).

Foreign Law Guide: Morocco. Government and Legal System: Introduction (Marci Hoffman ed.)

Law Library of Congress: Guide to Law Online – Nations of the World: Morocco.

Legal System Programs/Assessments

World Justice Project Rule of Law Index

The WJP Rule of Law Index 2019 presents a portrait of the rule of law in 126 countries (including Morocco) by providing scores and rankings based on eight factors: constraints on government powers, absence of corruption, open government, fundamental rights, order and security, regulatory enforcement, civil justice, and criminal justice.

The World Bank, Legal Vice Presidency: Morocco: Legal and Judicial Sector Assessment (June 2003).  The World Bank in Morocco (current).