Foreign Law Guide: Argentina (Country Editor: Gloria Oreggo). Note: You must log on to CU VPN first before clicking on this link from off campus.
Constitution of the Argentine Nation. English translations from the Senate and Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina, of the Spanish original text of the Constitution of 1853 as amended to Law 24.430 of 1994 [1995]. Available on HeinOnline's World Constitutions Illustrated. Also available in Political Database of the Americas, Center for Latin American Studies, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University.
Constitución de la Nacion Argentina 1994 (Spanish). Searchable by article and title. Maintained by the Argentine Senate.
Alejandro M. Garro, Judicial Review of Constitutionality in Argentina: Background Notes and Constitutional Provisions, 45 Duq. L. Rev. 409 (2007). Available in HeinOnline.
The Argentine Penal Code 2004 : and Selected Excerpts from Corporate Criminal Law / Estudio Durrieu Abogados (Transnational Publishers 2004) [Criminal Code]. English translation. LAW STACKS basement KHA 5414.31921 .A52 2004.
Código Procesal Penal de la Nación, Ley 23.984, Boletín Oficial (9 Sep 1991) [Code of Criminal Procedure]. Compiled statutory text in Spanish. According to the Foreign Law Guide: "In 2014, Ley 27.063 Boletín Oficial (4 Dec 2014) was approved as the new Code of Criminal Procedure. Spanish. However Decree 257/2015 suspended the application of the new code, which was scheduled for March 2016. Decree 257/2015, Boletín Oficial (24 Dec 2015). Spanish."
Guillermo Nicora, El Proyecto De Código Procesal Penal Federal Desde Los Cimientos (The Argentine Draft Federal Criminal Procedure Code from the Ground), 4(11) Revista de Derecho Penal y Criminología 221-230 (2014). Available in Spanish at English abstract: "The article analyzes the principles underlying the new Criminal Procedure Code for the federal system in Argentina. Unlike minor (almost rhetoric) that is usually assigned to the principles, the article argues that it is from them that all other rules make sense. Furthermore, the principles provide a solution to all cases not covered. In the first part of the article all the principles listed (equality of parts, oral, public, contradiction, concentration, immediacy, simplicity, speed and deformalization) are analyzed. In the second part, the article sets out the distinction between judicial independence (which is a guarantee of impartiality of the judge, which protects the citizen) and the "independence of the judiciary", which criticizes as foreign to the Republican principle of checks and balances, and often results in a pyramidal corporation that, paradoxically, conspires against the independence of the judge when subjected to corporate obedience. In the third part, the article notes how from initial design, the new procedural code addresses the third threat to judicial independence, which is the bureaucratic dependence caused by the ongoing workload of the courts, and sustained practice of delegation improper judicial functions in court employees."
Andres D'Alessio, Argentina's Sluggish Journey Toward a Constitutional Criminal Procedure, 15 Sw. J. Int'l L. 31 (2008). Available in HeinOnline.
Maximo Langer, Revolution in Latin American Criminal Procedure: Diffusion of Legal Ideas from the Periphery, 55 Am. J. Comp. L. 617, 630 (2007). Available in HeinOnline.
Boletín Oficial de la Republica Argentina (BO) (Buenos Aires, 1893—) [Official Bulletin]. In Spanish. Publishes new laws, decrees, and regulations.
NatLaw World / National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade. Text in Spanish. Laws, regulations, decrees and resolutions from Latin American countries, including Argentina.
Corte Suprema: Decisiones Judiciales (sentences, agreements, and resolutions of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation).
Legislaw: Jurisprudencia (judicial decisions of National Courts, Provincial Courts, and Foreign Courts).