The Statesman's Yearbook (annual). Online and LAW REFERENCE 2nd floor JA 51 .S7 2019. Search by Country (Morocco, pp. 847-852). Covers topics such as Climate, Constitution & Government, Culture, Economy, Fact Sheet, Industry, Religion, Social Institutions, Social Statistics, Territory and Population.
U.S. State Department: U.S. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheet: Morocco.
U.S. Department of State: Morocco.
Lonely Planet travel guide: Morocco.
The leading French-language daily is Le Matin du Sahara et du Maghreb, and the leading Arabic dailies are Al-Massae, Assabah and Al-Ahdath al-Maghrebia.
Westlaw has La Nouvelle Tribune (French) and Morocco World News (English).
French-English Dictionary = Dictionnaire Français-Anglais. LAW REFERENCE 2nd floor PC 2640 .F74 2006.
English-Arabic Dictionary of Legal Terms Used in U.S.A. Courts. LAW REFERENCE 2nd floor K 52 .A7 F37 2011
Moroccan cuisine (Wikipedia).
In the Shadow of the Sultan: Culture, Power and Politics in Morocco (Rahma Bourqia & Susan Gilson Miller eds., 1999). PROSPECTOR Regional Catalog.
C. R. Pennell, Morocco: From Empire to Independence (2003). NORLIN STACKS DT314 .P46 2003. Also on Amazon.