Foreign Law Guide: Spain. Note: You must log on to CU VPN first before clicking on this link from off campus.
Spanish Constitution, 1978, consolidated texts, as amended to 2011. English translations from the Congress of Deputies, Senate, and Official Gazette. Available in HeinOnline's World Constitutions Illustrated.
Constitution of the Kingdom of Spain (1978, amended 2011). [English]. From the Constitute Project.
Constitución Española de 1978 (modificada al 27 de septiembre de 2011). [Spanish]. Available in WIPO Lex.
Criminal Codes and Laws
Código Penal (Criminal Code)
Criminal Code of Spain (1995, updated as of 2013). [English version, Ministerio de Justicia]. From Legislation Online, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.
Ley orgánica 10 of 23 Nov 1995 in Boletín Oficial 24 Nov 1995. In force 25 May 1996. The penal code of 1995 revised and reformed by Ley orgánica 5 of 23 Jun 2010 (particularly introducing criminal liability for legal entities, including judicial persons). In force 23 Dec 2010.
Brief description of the Criminal Code of Spain (Wikipedia).
Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal (Criminal Procedure Code)
Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal. Editorial COLEX, 10 edición 1998. [Spanish]. Law Stacks Basement KKT 4604.31882 .A6 G666 1998.
Real decreto of 14 Sep 1882. Reformed by Leyes institucionales 3 and 4 of 25 May 1988 and Ley de proceso penal, Ley 21 of 19 Jul 1988 in Boletín Oficial. Amended by Ley orgánica 7 of 28 Dec 1988 in Boletín Oficial 30 Dec 1988 and most recently by Ley 2 of 15 Jun 1998.
Legislative acts concerning hate crimes
Primary legislation in English from Legislation Online, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.
Legislative acts concerning judicial and prosecution systems
Primary legislation in English and Spanish from Legislation Online, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.
Legislative acts concerning right to a fair trial
Constitution excerpts and primary legislation in English and Spanish from Legislation Online, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutiions and Human Rights.
Legislative acts concerning trafficking in human beings
Primary legislation in English from Legislation Online, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Legislative acts concerning violence against women and domestic violence
Primary legislation in English and Spanish from Legislation Online, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.
Other criminal laws in Spanish. The World Law Guide, Legislation: Spain (Lexadin).
Boletín Oficial del Estado: gaceta de Madrid. Año 1–, 1961– . Madrid, 1961– . Official Bulletin. [Spanish]. Publishes new laws, decrees, and regulations.
Legislation by Subject. The World Law Guide, Legislation : Spain (Lexadin). [Spanish].
Case Law from the Tribunal Constitucional de España (Constitutional Court of Spain).
Case Law from the Tribunal Supremo de España (Supreme Court of Spain).
Case Law from the Audiencia Nacional (National High Court).