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Health Law

An introduction to legal research in some of the major aspects of Health Law.

Considering a Career in Health Law?

Careers in Health Law exist at the federal, state, and local levels, from federal agencies to private practices.

The American Bar Association Legal Career Center has published a helpful video discussing pursuing health law career. Speakers with health law experience share what it means to practice health law:

Students may also read Health Law: A Career Guide, written by Catherine Pattanayak, Joan Ruttenberg, & Annelise Eaton, to get a feel for Health Law as a potential career.

 The American Health Lawyers Association also provides helpful guidance about pursuing a Career in Health Law here.

For more information on Health Law Careers, take a look at the Health Law Career Guide created by the University of Colorado Health Law Society to get an idea of what kinds of careers are available to health law practitioners.

Interested students can also consider specializing in Health Law and Policy during Law School. For more information on the Health Law specialization and the Health Law Certificate Program at Colorado Law, see here.

Library Resources

In addition, the library has resources that may help. Try: