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Bankruptcy Law

A short guide directing you to helpful resources for bankruptcy law research.

Library Guide

Subject Heading:




Call Numbers: KF 1501-1548


American Jurisprudence, Bankruptcy
(Vol. 8-9e)


Reference (KF 154 .A522); available online through Westlaw - password required (AMJUR)


Corpus Juris Secundum, Bankruptcy

Reference (KF 154 .C422; no longer updated); available online through Westlaw - password required (CJS)

General Treatments

Bankruptcy in a Nutshell,
9th ed.


Law Reserve (2nd floor) - KF 1501 .Z9 E67 2017


Law of Bankruptcy,
4th ed.


Law Reserve (2nd floor) - KF 1524 .T33 2016; also available on-campus (or through VPN) at WK Online Study Aid Library


Bankruptcy and Debtor/Creditor: Examples
and Explanations
7th ed.
Law Reserve (2nd floor) - KF 1524.85 .B58 2018; also available on-campus (or through VPN) at Aspen Learning Library

Major Treatises

Collier on Bankruptcy, 16th ed

Law Stacks (2nd floor) - KF 1524 .C6016; available on Lexis – password required (Collier on Bankruptcy)

Collier Bankruptcy Manual, 4th ed.

Law Stacks (2nd floor) - KF 1524 .C564

Collier Bankruptcy Practice Guide

Law Stacks (2nd floor) - KF 1524 .C63; available on Lexis – password required (Collier Bankruptcy Practice Guide)

Norton Bankruptcy Law and Practice

Law Stacks(2nd floor) - KF 1524 .N673 (not updated); available on Westlaw – password required (Norton Bankruptcy Law and Practice)

Bloomberg Law: Bankruptcy Treatise

Available on Bloomberg – subscription required (Bankruptcy Treatise; Bankruptcy Practice Center)

Practice Tools

Westlaw Practical Law 


Available on Home > Practical Law > Bankruptcy (password required)

Lexis Practice Advisor

Available on Home > Lexis Advance > Lexis Practice Advisor > Bankruptcy (password required)