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Bankruptcy Law

A short guide directing you to helpful resources for bankruptcy law research.


Bankruptcy courts, which are Article I tribunals and not Article III courts, possess subject-matter jurisdiction over bankruptcy cases.  Since bankruptcy practice is a common law discipline, identifying on-point cases can be vital for the practitioner.

West Topic and Key Numbers

Topic:                                              Bankruptcy

Westlaw Topic No.:                      51


Research tip: after finding a relevant case, use the pertinent headnote at the beginning of the case to locate additional cases.

Cases and Digests

West’s Bankruptcy Reporter (available on Westlaw) - Includes all federal bankruptcy court decisions, as well as bankruptcy cases from federal appellate courts.

Lexis links directly to applicable cases after the relevant USCS section.

West’s Bankruptcy Digest (available on Westlaw) - Organized by Key Numbers, contains brief summary and citation to federal and state bankruptcy cases.

Other Case Law Finding Tools

American Law Reports (ALR):

Older version (through 2011) available in the LAW Stacks basement (KZ 132.1 .A45), but more recent versions are available on Westlaw with a personal password:

Westlaw (Secondary Sources) > American Law Reports > American Law Reports Digest > Bankruptcy