Jus Mundi is an exceptional resource for vis moot arbitration teams. It has treaties, rules of arbitration (procedure, guidelines and draft articles), as well as arbitral cases and award.
Allows you to copy a reference (to overall document, or specific portion).
Can also see when that portion of the instrument has been cited. Click on the cite map. (Treats, Rules of Arbitration and Intl. Cases).
Can sort by recent or least recent.
Can search for type of case or by tribunal, or by a specific rule of arbitration.
Other filters: applicable treaty, law or seat of arbitration.
Status of case
Key word search:
"dual nationality" search for those terms exactly as they are
Not: make sure concept is not in search
And: both concepts
Or: get either term in the document
Near/X: proximity
It includes a search engine for commercial arbitration awards and cases. As stated by the product makers, "Discover the first most comprehensive database of full commercial arbitration awards, and information on undisclosed arbitration cases."
Coverage areas:
Commercial Arbitration
Investment Arbitration
International Trade Law
Public International Law & Law of the Sea
Jus Mundi has a great video overview on How to do your Legal Research.
Through jusmundi.com, you may access their Academic Research Material.
If you received an access code as a participating vis moot student, there is a tutorial video for signing up.