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Library Services for Law Faculty & Staff

Research Instruction

 Do your students need to conduct research in areas that are new to them? The Wise Law Library can help!

We provide in-class presentations on legal and non-legal research materials in specialized topic areas. We will customize our presentations to fit your class needs.

The Librarians have also developed research guides on a variety of legal research topics. A specialized research guide can be created for your course.

If you are interested in arranging a research training or having research guides or handouts created for your class, please contact the Head of Instructional Services Michael Whitlow

Course Reserves

Search by course name, course number, or professor for materials we’ve added to 2-hr., in-library reserve for your course. 

Adding Print Books to Course Reserves: The Library adds 2 copies of required textbooks and 1 copy of optional textbooks to course reserves.  In order for us to have time to purchase and process your textbooks before classes begin, please email the Faculty Coordinator Office telling them your textbook orders as soon as possible.

Library E-Reserves: The Library can create links for a professor’s CU Canvas course page to e-books we own or have access to via campus libraries’ subscriptions.  We do not purchase electronic casebooks, textbooks, or case or statutory supplements. Contact for the library to send e-reserves links for your Canvas course page.

CALI & Other Legal Instruction Resources

You may wish to view this guide on Legal Instruction Resources or this resource on Inclusive Curriculum.

Another resource you may be interested in is the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI). CALI provides access to many teaching and learning resources.

How FACULTY can register for an account on the CALI site (

  1. There is a link titled "Register" in the menu bar on the top of the website.
  2. Fill out the form provided. You will need to provide the CALI Faculty Authorization Code for the U. of Colo. Law School: UCOLAWfac45.  Also, you will need to choose a username and password and provide an email address.
  3. Fill out the rest of the form, click on I Agree, and click on the Create New Account button at the bottom of the webpage.

STUDENTS register for CALI accounts using the CALI Student Authorization Code for Colorado Law: UCOLAWstu45

CALI Tools for Faculty

  • CALI InstaPoll.  An open, online, virtual clicker that allows a teacher or speaker to quickly poll the class or audience.

  • CALI QuizWright®.  A web app that allows law faculty to write individual Multiple Choice, True/False, and Yes/No questions for formative assessment, in class or outside of the classroom.

  • CALI Lessons.  Interactive, online tutorials designed to help law students improve their knowledge of legal concepts through a process of presenting a concept and then immediately testing them on it.  CALI currently has over 1,000 tutorials in over 50 legal subjects. All lessons are written and peer reviewed by faculty at CALI member schools. They can be used for assessment by faculty or for student self-study.  The material is rigorous, but short, taking 20-40 minutes to complete each lesson.

CALI LessonLink.  Allows faculty to create a unique URL for their students, so that when students run a CALI Lesson, the faculty can see their performance.

1L Lesson Topics: Civ Pro, Con Law, Contracts, Crim Law, Games, Law School Success, Legal Concepts & Skills, Legal Research, Legal Research by State, Legal Studies, Legal Writing, Property Law, and Torts.

2L-3L Upper Level Lesson Topics


    Administrative Law

    Animal Law


    Aviation Law


    Business Associations

    Climate Change

    Commercial Transactions



    Criminal Procedure


    Education Law

    Employment Discrim.

    Entertainment Law

    Environmental Law


    Family Law

    Federal Courts

    Health Law

    Intellectual Property

    International Law

    Interviewing & Counseling

    Law School Success

    Legal Research

    Negotiable Instruments/

        Payment Systems 

    Patent Law

    Professional Responsibility

    Real Estate Transactions




    Tax - Basic Federal

        Income Taxation

    Tax - Corporate Taxation

    Tax - Partnership Taxation

    Tax - S Corporation


    Tax – Tax. of Bus. Entities

    Tax Law


    Trial Advocacy

    Wills and Trusts

    Workers’ Compensation

  • The eLangdell® Bookstore.  100% free for students and faculty.  Creative Commons licensed.  Peer-reviewed casebooks and supplements for legal education that are simple to adopt or modify.

  • CALI Mini-CoursePreparing for the Future of Legal Education – Online Teaching Tips & Techniques.  Seven recorded sessions, with assignments and readings: Creating a Successful Online Course, Technology: Platforms & Lectures, Assessment: Formative and Summative, Engaging Your Students, Creating a Framework for Online Learning, Different Mix of Techniques for Skills-based, Seminars or Large Classes, Preparing to Teach Online: The Essential Checklist.