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Researching in the Law Firm Environment: What Law Firm Librarians Want You to Know

Resources and advice curated by Keslie Kandt, Research Librarian, at Davis Graham and Stubbs LLP in Denver, Colorado.

How the Law Firm Environment is the Same and How it is Different

The law firm environment is much like law school in a number of ways: you should listen carefully and take notes, be accurate, conduct a thorough discussion of all research questions, try to anticipate all angles of discussion, and strive for clarity and brevity where possible. However, you will want to keep in mind a number of things that are new and unique. First, every project has a timeline and a deadline.You will likely have access to fewer resources and your use of resources may be limited by cost, and finally, all your work now has real world implications. This guide is meant to illuminate these unique qualities and provide advice for both students and new attorneys as they prepare for and work in law firms.