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Business and Mergers & Acquisition Resources

A guide providing access to business resources organized by source.

Deal Data

With the exception of SEC filings, much of the available information on specific transactions is financial data. For investment bankers, many of whom are focused on M&A, the rankings of deals or banks will also be informative. In some cases there are also rankings of law firms in terms of number or size of transactions.


Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances provides selected, regularly updated statistics on Mergers & Acquisitions worldwide.

Deal Analytics from Bloomberg Law (within the Transactional Intelligence Center) allows searching and analyzing deals by party, deal size, deal points and other metrics.

Refinitiv (was ThomsonONE): The Deals module provides comprehensive historical coverage of M&A and Corporate Transactions data with daily updates. Some newsletters are free, but other information requires a login. Requires Internet Explorer.

Lexis Advance has access to several different databases with M&A deal info, like FactSet Mergerstat M&A (statistics), FactSet Flashwire (news), and Experian Corpfin (transaction information). 

Zephyr contains data on M&A activity, IPOs, joint ventures and private equity deals with links to detailed financial company information. The database contains information on over 140,000 transactions with approximately 60,000 new deals are added per year. Zephyr is also expanding to cover more historical American and Asian transactions. Coverage post January 2003 is global.

Financial Times M&A League Tables rank the investment banks and the deal fees they have earned from M&A (and other) transactions.


WSJ Moneybeat has general investment banking, financial industry, and M&A news.


WSJ Deals and the WSJ Deal Journal blog have information about current M&A transactions and rumours.


NY Times DealBook has general business news, including M&A transactions.