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Business and Mergers & Acquisition Resources

A guide providing access to business resources organized by source.

Contract Drafting Resources

**See other LibGuides for additional resources on contract drafting, namely, the Entrepreneurial Law Guide.

The Online Practice Resources page includes a huge number of forms and treatises that also contain drafting advice for putting together those particular documents. The resources here are directed more generally. The law library has many manuals on drafting available at KF807.

Legal Usage in Drafting Corporate Agreements by Kenneth A. Adams (KF807 .A33 2001) and Adams's blog on usage in contract drafting, Adams on Contract Drafting.

Lawyers Guide to Formulas in Deal Documents and SEC Filings by Carla Garrett and Hayden Trubitt (on Lexis Advance). This treatise provides a detailed discussion of and drafting guidance on "the use of numbers, formulas and ratios in securities offerings, mergers and acquisitions, debt financing, venture capital, private equity, and intellectual property."

Kenneth Adams' paper on Understanding Best Efforts and Its Variants is useful on parsing one highly negotiated piece of language that shows up in most transaction documents where one party or the other is required to take an action.