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Colorado Technology Law Journal

Purpose of Cite Checking

The purpose of cite checking is to ensure the accuracy of source citations.  You need to verify:

  • the precise and correct citation of the author, title, publication year, and page numbers
  • that all claims are supported by cited sources
  • pinpoint citations are provided and correct
  • id., supra, and infra cross-references are provided and correct
  • the currency of your citation (by Shepardizing or using KeyCite)
  • that the format follows Bluebook rules


Create a spreadsheet with space for each source.  Create 3 Tabs. 

  • List title, author, publisher, year of publication
  • identify the source type: book, article, internet citation, etc. 
  • Search the catalog and identify the location of each source
    • Tab One: Law Library
    • Tab Two: Other CU Library (indicate whether it is Norlin, business, music, etc)
    • Tab Three: World Cat or Inter Library Loan (which library/location)
  • List the call number
  • Identify whether specific pages, chapters, or the full volume is required (note:  materials from World Cat or Inter Library Loan often arrive more quickly when specific chapters are listed). 

Read your assigned text and footnotes.  Fill out the spreadsheet.

Locate and pull sources. Make notes as you obtain items. 


Obtaining Books from Law Library

The materials editor for the Law Review may request books from the law librarians for purposes of cite-checking. The Wise Law Library will put books on the course reserves shelf, under L, at the Law Library's Circulation desk.  All items will have orange reserves sticker.  

Please note:

  • materials from other CU libraries (not Law) will have a green slip of paper
  • materials from World Cat & Inter Library Loan (ILL) will have a pink slip of paper

Item Check-Out: when law review students are accessing titles on course reserve, they should go to the circulation desk and ask for a particular book title “on course reserve for the Colorado Law Review."  

  • They will use their BuffOne card to check out the book.
  • They will have two hours with the book anywhere in the library. 

When finished with the book, they need to return the book to the circulation desk, so it gets checked back in and returned to the Law Review course reserve shelf.