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2L Year And Beyond: A Success Guide


At this point in your law school career, you have plenty of experience studying, outlining, and writing about the law. These resources can help you review studying tactics you already know and teach you new ways to approach law school. As you have learned in law school, there are multiple different ways to approach a problem, and the trick is finding the way that works best for you. These resources can help provide new insight into your well developed skills.

A General Overview of Law School

Legal Research

Legal research is a skill that can take a long time to master, and 2L year is a good time to hone those skills. Any type of legal practice will require legal research, so it is important to be proficient when you start your first job. If you have not had an opportunity to take LAWS 5646 Foundations of Legal Research, it is highly recommended that you do. You can further develop your legal research skills in LAWS 6856 Advanced Legal Research, LAWS 6866 Colorado Legal Research, and LAWS 6223 Research and Writing in the Regulatory State. If you have any questions about legal research, please visit with one of the law librarians. They’re experts in legal research, and they are eager to help you figure out what you need to do.

Some other resources for legal research:

Preparing for Finals


As a 2L or 3L, you have plenty of experience with outlining. Though it is possible you have found a system that works for you, the following materials are beneficial to both beginners and experts who are looking at improving their outlining skills.

Web Resources on Outlining

LawNerds Guide to Outlining
How to Outline for Law School Exams
How to Build an Outline
Law School Outlines – How to Write a Law School Outline

Study Guides

When studying for finals, many students find referring to secondary sources helpful. There are many kinds of secondary sources. Some are organized like traditional textbooks with chapters explaining each topic, while others are organized to facilitate different kinds of studying, like presenting legal problems and helping you walk through how you should analyze them.

You can view subject-specific study guides here.

Study Tools


CALI (the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction) provides the resources needed for the challenges of law school. CALI provides over 1,000 online interactive tutorials in legal subjects. To register, you'll need to enter our authorization code. Contact us at to obtain it.


Exam Prep

Videos and Podcasts

Tips for Multiple Choice Exams in Law School Podcast (CALI)
Provides students with advice on multiple choice exam questions.

Top Ten Tips for Successfully Writing a Law School Essay (CALI)
This podcast discusses the top ten mistakes law students make in law school examinations.

Writing Better Law School Exams: The Importance of Structure (CALI)
This program is designed to be useful to students interested in improving their exam-writing techniques.   

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