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Study Aids

List of Online Study Aids Database subscribed to by the William A. Wise Law Library at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Accessing Study Aids

A banner image reading "Study Aids"

The library provides online access to many popular study aids. For more information on study aids, including recommendations by subject, visit our Study Aids and Exam Prep Guide.

The reference department is available to provide additional study aid recommendations and support for accessing study aids online.

Aspen Learning Library

Image of the study aid "Property Examples and Explanations"Image of the study aid "Emanuel Law Outlines: Wills, Trusts, and Estates"

Examples of the many study aids available from Wolters Kluwer.                                                                                                                             

Students can access Aspen Learning Library (formerly Wolters Kluwer Online Study Aids) using the university VPN. This resource features a wide range of study aids in various formats, including the Examples & Explanations series.

Click here for instructions on logging into the VPN. After logging in, visit

LexisNexis Digital Library

LexisNexis Digital Library GraphicThis digital collection of study aids from LexisNexis includes the Understanding Series, Questions & Answers, among others.  Law students can create their own accounts on the Lexis platform and can save highlights and notes on the various titles.  

LexisNexis Digital Library



West Academic Study Aids

Image of the study aid "Bankruptcy and Related Law in a Nutshell"Image of the study aid "Reproductive Rights and Justice Stories"

Examples of the many study aids available from West Academic.

Students connected to the university VPN can access West Academic study aids, including the Nutshell and Law Stories series.

Click here for instructions on logging into the VPN. After logging in, visit

For directions on how to sign up for West Academic Study Aids, and for directions on how to read a book offline, please see this guide.